Title:Bronz Otomotiv Industry and Foreign Trade Inc.
Address:Başkent Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Başkent Bulvarı No:14, 06909 Malıköy / Sincan / Ankara / TÜRKİYE
Tel:0 312 504 45 48 / 0 (312) 354 28 89-90 / 0 (312) 504 38 62
Fax:0 (312) 385 18 04
Tax Office:Sincan
Tax Number:1871313501
Central Registration System No:187131350100001
Trade Registry Number:196873
Field of Activity :29.32.21 Manufacturing parts and accessories of Body and Cabin for Motor Vehicles (Including Bumpers, Seats, Seat Belts, Airbags, Doors, etc.)
Field of Activity:27.11.03 Manufacturing of parts and components of Electric Motors, Generators and Transformers.
Field of Activity:28.11.08 Manufacture of Turbine and Turbine Parts (Wind, Gas, Water and Steam Turbines with Water Wheels and their parts) (Excluding Turbo Jets or Turbo Propellers for Aircraft)
Field of Activity:25.62.02 Machining of metals (Turning Leveling Works, Drilling Metal Parts, Turning, Milling, Planing, Polishing, Gouging, Finishing, Joining, Welding etc. Activities) (Except laser cutting of metals)
Field of Activity:25.62.01 Cutting or overwriting Metals through the use of Laser Beams.
Registered Email:bronzotomotiv@hs02.kep.tr
Establishment Date:05.11.2004
Lawyer:Av. H.İdil Selçuk